Peter completed his studies at the University of California in Los Angeles and a master-class student degree at the academy of fine arts in Munich. He settled in Berlin in 2002 and began working in the area of set design and construction.

This background explains the origin of his creative ideas and his flexibility in their realisation – both reasons for the real appreciation our clients feel for his work.

What I do like?

I like to transform thoughts, to invent and create worlds in pictures or scenographies.

What inspires you today?

What often inspires me the most is the energy and lust of other people, but also the energy that lies in nature, in rocks, clouds or even just in sounds.

Who would you most like to work with?

The beautiful thing about photo and film productions is the collaboration with others. Sometimes it may be difficult, but in the end it is never the work of one person, but of many different people.

What languages do you speak?

I speak Spanish, English and some French and with each language the world has a slightly different color.

Are you interested in sustainability?

Sustainability is the care for everyone, for the whole world and all its components. Without sustainability we let ourselves be neglected and our world go to pieces.

Photographers / Directors
  • Alexander Gnaeninger
  • Atilla Hartwig
  • Arthur Mebius
  • Benno Kraehahn
  • Edith Held
  • Esther Haase
  • Felix Krüger
  • Fergus Pedal
  • Frank Zauritz
  • Hiepler Brunier
  • Horst Diekgerdes
  • Jana Cleve
  • Jan Rickers
  • Jem Mitchell
  • Joachim Baldauf
  • Kristian Schuller
  • Maak Roberts
  • Markus Jans
  • Markus Müller
  • Meredith Jenks
  • Michael Munique
  • Norman Konrad
  • Olaf Hauschulz
  • Olaf Heine
  • Pasquale Abbattista
  • Ruven Afanador
  • Sascha Oda
  • Steffen Jaenicke
  • Stephan Abry
  • Stephan Pick
  • Till Janz
  • Tina Luther
  • Tobias Schult
  • Adidas
  • Audi
  • BMWI
  • BMW Mini
  • Braun
  • Credit Suisse
  • Deichmann
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Douglas
  • Elle
  • GALA
  • Gruner + Jahr
  • Hallhuber
  • HDI
  • Hornbach
  • Hugo Boss
  • Joop!
  • KaDeWe
  • Karstadt
  • Kaufhof
  • LBB
  • Nescafé
  • New Yorker
  • Philips
  • s.Oliver
  • Siemens
  • Sparkasse
  • Superga
  • Vanity Fair
  • Wella
  • whirlpool
  • ZDF


Setbau: Peter Klare

Photo: Anne Deppe

Agency Photographer: Solar und Fotografen

Client: IKEA