Karsten was born in the Ruhr area and started there in the 80s with visual merchandising and event decoration until he relocated to Berlin in 1998.

After years of experience in fashion styling he started focusing since 2005 on Food and Still Lifes, as well as the staging of sets. It is always about creating understandable and walk-in pictures that tell stories.

He is always passionate about decorating and remained faithful about staging interiour. For his work he likes to be inspired in Berlin, Paris and southern France, and enjoys walks through the art scene and flea markets to get inspired.

Favorite Director?

Greenaway, his films are so beautifully eccentric, opulent and often wonderful vanitas images of our transience. Thom Browne for his simple, yet playful, genderless fashion.

Who inspires you?

Tim Walker's photographs tell wonderful stories in just one picture.

What is your vice?

Good food, especially if it is prepared “beautifully” and in a sophisticated way or if it is down to earth and honest.

What do you pay attention to in your diet?

Balance and fresh preparation, now a lot vegetarian, but not exclusively.

Photographers / Directors
  • Anke Espey
  • Atilla Hartwig
  • Carsten Meissner
  • Cem Günes
  • Dirk Schaper
  • Frank Wartenberg
  • Lucie Eisenmann
  • Michael Reh
  • Norman Konrad
  • Robert Recker
  • Stephan Gustavus
  • Tilo Schoch
  • Tim P. Meier
  • Urban Zintel
  • AEG
  • Berghain
  • Biofrost
  • Brandenburger Hof Berlin
  • Breuninger
  • Deutsche Bank
  • ECE
  • Galerie Lafayette Magazin
  • Herta
  • Ici Magazin
  • KaDeWe
  • Bon Marche Paris
  • Leerdammer
  • Metro
  • Oberpollinger
  • Otto
  • Ritter Sport
  • Seehotel Überfahrt Tegernsee
  • Total
  • Veuve Clicquot
  • Vita Cola
  • VW

Herta Finesse

Food: Karsten von Kuczkowski

Director: Laura Thüringen, Martin Höft

Photo: Johannes Kaczmarczyk

Client: Herta

Marketing Agency: TLGG