VOGUE Germany – Chloe Waldorf

Hair & Make-up: Andréas Bernhardt

Whether hair short or long, our Andreas has everything under control.

Ever wanted to travel back to the 80s and 90s?
Berlin Drag Queen Chloe Waldorf make-up-skills, the photographer Karlo Hecimovic, and our visagist Andreas Bernhardt, invite you to do that.

Thank you VOGUE Germany for bringing together such great talents.

What role Thierry Mugler has played in Chloe's life so far, you can not only see in the photo gallery, but also read in the great interview of VOGUE Germany by Hella Schneider.

Bundesministerium für Gesundheit – "Waschen wie Walter"

Hair & Make-up: Felix Stößer

#Sicherheim – Cosmopolitan – Natalia Wörner

Hair & Make-up: Andréas Bernhardt

Photo: Urban Zintel

Client: Cosmopolitan

Talent: Natalia Wörner

Unser Visagist Andreas und der Fotograf Urban Zintel sind die Definition eines eingespielten Teams.

Zuletzt haben die beiden für ein Interview für die Cosmopolitan mit der Schauspielerin Natalia Wörner zusammengearbeitet. Ihr als Schirmherrin, geht es bei der wichtigen Initiative #sicherheim darum, das Thema häusliche Gewalt mehr Aufmerksamkeit bekommt. Unter „Liebe Ohne Gewalt“ gehen Spenden zugunsten der Initiative #Sicherheim zugunsten der Frauen gegen Gewalt E.V., Frauenhaus Koordinierung e.V. und ZIF.
Danke an alle Beteiligten.

BUNTE Szene – Luise Befort

Styling: Julius Forgo

Photo: Wolfgang Wilde

Client: Bunte

Talent: Luise Befort

It was particularly important to actress Luise Befort to convey a message at the BUNTE shoot. This is not an issue for our stylist Julius Forgo.It was photographed by Wolfgang Wilde and everything the environmentally conscious actress wore at the photo shoot was second-hand or produced by sustainable brands. In the interview with BUNTE editor Marlen Bruckner, you can find Luise's motivations, her influences and what she also pays attention to in productions like these.
No wonder she was awarded the New Faces Award Style in the category Young Style Icon in 2019. Currently you can watch Luise Befort in the series "Der Palast" in the ZDF-Mediathek.