Die Zukunft ist weiblich - Trainerin, Ex-Nationalspielerin, Olympiasiegerin, Weltmeisterin und dreifache Europameisterin Anja Mittag im Porträt

Hair & Make-up: Andréas Bernhardt

ELIF x NYX Professional Makeup

Hair & Make-up: Saskia Krause

Our make-up artist Saskia Krause and artist Elif are now cooperating with the make-up brand NYX Cosmetics, which is not tested on animals. We are happy to be a part of it and are excited.

dm-Magazin – Natalia Wörner

Hair & Make-up: Brigitte Brenner

Together with our stylist Lee, our make-up artist Brigitte Brenner did the hair&make-up for German actress Natalia Wörner for the cover of dm's "alverde" magazine. In the February issue, Natalia Wörner talks about her commitment and help against violence against women. It was photographed by Margaretha Olschewski.

Mala Emde for Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin. Photos by Axel Martens.

Hair & Make-up:

Photo: Axel Martens

Client: Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin

We are always happy when Axel Martens travels from Hamburg to Berlin to take photos for the "Don't say anything" section in the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine. This time Tina Fischbach did make-up and hair for the talented Male Emde.


Styling: Matteo Lai

Photo: Tobias Wirth


The handsome Qaher Harhash at Iconic Management stars in The Journey story captured exclusively for MMSCENE STYLE STORIES by fashion photographer Tobias Wirth at Tobias Bosch Management. In charge of styling was Matteo Ortu at Basics Berlin, with hair styling and makeup from beauty artist Gianluca Venerdini. Director of photography was Sebastian Brune, with co-direction from Tobias Wirth.

The MMSENE article can be found here