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Mala Emde for Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin. Photos by Axel Martens.

Hair & Make-up:

Photo: Axel Martens

Client: Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin

We are always happy when Axel Martens travels from Hamburg to Berlin to take photos for the "Don't say anything" section in the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine. This time Tina Fischbach did make-up and hair for the talented Male Emde.

New Yorker

Setbau: Kathleen

Client: New Yorker

DOP: Alex Koppel, Marisol Glassermann

Setbau: Kathleen Kunde: New Yorker DoPs: Alex Koppel & Marisol Glassermann Licht: Florian Stark

DoPs: Alex Koppel & Marisol Glassermann

Licht: Florian Stark