Schön! Magazine

Hair & Make-up: Anna Kürner

"Jeff Wilbusch’s life has been far from conventional. Born in Israel into a Hasidic Jewish community, Wilbusch left at the age of thirteen to pursue an education in The Netherlands before becoming a full-time actor in various locations around Europe. Even as Schön! speaks to him today, he confesses he’s living out of a suitcase, ready at any moment to set off to wherever his diverse and already fairly storied career takes him next.
“It’s something I really like,” he says of his newly mobile life. “It’s something that is really freeing to me right now. Maybe one day will come where I will want to have a place where my base is, but now, I have a kind of flow. It’s really nice.”"
Written by Braden Bjella

Emilio – Panik

Hair & Make-up: Anna Kürner

„Ich leide seit einigen Jahren an Panikattacken und wollte das unbedingt in einem Song verarbeiten. Die Panik tritt im Song in Form einer Frau in Erscheinung. Eine Frau, die einfach durch die Tür tritt, wenn man gerade so gar nicht damit rechnet. Die einfach im Raum steht, dich nicht fragt, wie es dir geht, sondern gekommen ist, um zu bleiben.“, verrät Emilio, welcher bei Universal Music gesigned ist, über seinen eigenen Song.
Für das Musikvideo hat unsere Anna Kürner ihn und die restlichen Tänzer der Flying Step Academy gegroomt.
Die Choreo und Director kümmerte sich Daniel Asamoah und die Produktion leitete Shuto Crew GbR.

Barbara Schöneberger interviews Tim Raue for the current issue of BARBARA-Magazine

Props: Peter Klare

Photo: Robert Grischek

Agency Photographer: Klein Photographen GmbH


Barbara Schöneberger interviews Tim Raue for the current issue of BARBARA-Magazine. This time her topic is "Totally over the top". Too much of everything can also be really fun. Peter Klare was responsible for the props. Click here for his portfolio.

Anatole Taubman

Grooming: Mischka Hart

Photo: Mathias Bothor

Talent: Anatole Taubman