Die Zukunft ist weiblich - Trainerin, Ex-Nationalspielerin, Olympiasiegerin, Weltmeisterin und dreifache Europameisterin Anja Mittag im Porträt

Hair & Make-up: Andréas Bernhardt

ELIF x NYX Professional Makeup

Hair & Make-up: Saskia Krause

Our make-up artist Saskia Krause and artist Elif are now cooperating with the make-up brand NYX Cosmetics, which is not tested on animals. We are happy to be a part of it and are excited.

dm-Magazin – Natalia Wörner

Hair & Make-up: Brigitte Brenner

Together with our stylist Lee, our make-up artist Brigitte Brenner did the hair&make-up for German actress Natalia Wörner for the cover of dm's "alverde" magazine. In the February issue, Natalia Wörner talks about her commitment and help against violence against women. It was photographed by Margaretha Olschewski.

Barbara Schöneberger interviews Tim Raue for the current issue of BARBARA-Magazine

Props: Peter Klare

Photo: Robert Grischek

Agency Photographer: Klein Photographen GmbH


Barbara Schöneberger interviews Tim Raue for the current issue of BARBARA-Magazine. This time her topic is "Totally over the top". Too much of everything can also be really fun. Peter Klare was responsible for the props. Click here for his portfolio.

Face To Face – German Films

Hair & Make-up: Brigitte Brenner

Photo: Marcus Höhn

Director: Tidi von Tiedemann

Client: German Films

Talent: Sarah Noa Bozenhardt, Sara Fazilat, Jerry Hoffmann, Julia Kovalenko, Matthias Luthardt, Zamarin Wahdat, Anne Zander