Die Zukunft ist weiblich - Trainerin, Ex-Nationalspielerin, Olympiasiegerin, Weltmeisterin und dreifache Europameisterin Anja Mittag im Porträt

Hair & Make-up: Andréas Bernhardt

VOGUE Germany – Chloe Waldorf

Hair & Make-up: Andréas Bernhardt

Whether hair short or long, our Andreas has everything under control.

Ever wanted to travel back to the 80s and 90s?
Berlin Drag Queen Chloe Waldorf make-up-skills, the photographer Karlo Hecimovic, and our visagist Andreas Bernhardt, invite you to do that.

Thank you VOGUE Germany for bringing together such great talents.

What role Thierry Mugler has played in Chloe's life so far, you can not only see in the photo gallery, but also read in the great interview of VOGUE Germany by Hella Schneider.

ZOO Magazine – Anniversary Issue 75

Grooming: Saskia Krause

Photo: Olaf Heine

Client: Zoo Magazine

Talent: Benny O. Arthur

See more of her work here.ZOO Magazine celebrates the #75 issue of the magazine with 14 different covers in a special way. ZOO Magazine was founded in Berlin in 2003. The iconic logo of the Brandenburg Gate refers to the special relationship with Berlin, as a reliable source of inspiration. Saskia Krause was part of four cover productions. See more of her work here.